Professional Hardening Tools for Businesses

Are you looking for a way to check the status of your system curing? Do you want to apply hardening to a large number of systems in an automated way or on a role-based basis? Then use these hardening tools.

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What do system hardening programs do?

With special hardening software, you can perform a check of how well your systems are currently hardened. A very easy-to-use audit tool creates transparent reports and shows where there are configuration optimizations. In addition, the hardening tools support you in the secure configuration of your systems.

Audit TAP screenshot (Image: FB Pro GmbH)

The range extends from hardening tools for standalone systems that focus only on the Microsoft operating system to comprehensive management tools that also securely configure or harden older Windows versions and applications.

AuditTAP: The tool for hardening audits

The AuditTAP is best suited for a quick check of your systems. The software, which is available under the BSD3 license (open source), can be used in many ways.

On the one hand, it can be used to check the security-relevant settings of individual applications such as browsers and office programs. On the other hand, you have the possibility to subject Windows 10, Windows 11 and also various Windows server systems to a hardening audit without spending a lot of time.

Download: AuditTAP

How to easily download the AuditTAP and start it Powershell-based, you can see in this tutorial video:

EnforceTAP: The hardening tool for single-oosition hardening

Like the AuditTAP, the EnforceTAP addresses individual IT systems. Unlike the AuditTAP, however, no audit report is produced, but instead a system hardening is carried out according to industry-tested standards. This is based, for example, on the recommendations of Microsoft, CIS, DISA and the BSI.

The EnforceTAP also continuously checks the configuration of the target system automatically – we call this “self-healing”, technically “Desired State Configuration”.

Since the EnforceTAP comes without management functions and monitoring, it does not require a network connection. It is therefore ideally suited for isolated computers, for example in cirtical environments or kiosk systems. The hardening tool can be purchased individually or as part of the Enforce Suite.

Enforce Suite: Product Flyer

Although the EnforceTAP is best suited for hardening computers with Windows 10 or Windows 11, it can also be used to harden systems with Windows 7, Windows 11, Windows Server 2022 and Windows Server 2019, among others. Just contact us!

Enforce Administrator: Perfect for system hardening in larger environments

Like EnforceTAP, Enforce Administrator is part of the Enforce Suite. The comprehensive security configuration management tool is suitable for harden complex IT landscapes with hundreds or even thousands of IT systems – ideal for large, medium-sized companies and corporations.

Once set up, sustainable system hardening is fully automated. You manage your hardened clients and servers through an easy-to-use dashboard. The Enforce Administrator can be integrated into existing processes via the REST API – making it easy to set up and dismantle complete IT infrastructures automatically; fully hardened and verifiable at any time.

Enforce Administrator: FAQ

The Enforce Administrator is a no-code tool. As a user, you therefore do not need to program a line of code to perform system hardening. How the so-called #NoCodeHardening works, you will learn in this clip:

Overview: What the hardening tools do

AuditTAP, EnforceTAP, Enforce Administrator – which program is right for which system hardening application? Our summary gives you a quick overview:


AuditTAP EnforceTAP Enforce Administrator
Audit reports for individual systems X X
System Hardening Individual Systems Medium-sized and enterprise environments
Extensive Compliance Monitoring  X

Note: Enforce Suite is a bundle of EnforceTAP and Enforce Administrator, so it has not been listed here.

Do you have questions about specific hardening software?

Contact our system hardening specialists without any obligation. We will be happy to provide you with more details and support you in selecting the appropriate hardening solution. We are also happy to help you set up and run professional hardening configurations.

Contact us now!


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